Tuesday, June 14, 2011

My Protector

My cat, Scout, takes his job as my protector quite seriously. He spends a good deal of time acting as sentry from the second floor bedroom window. I always know something is amiss out back when I hear the thud of his 17lb self hit the floor upstairs. Next comes the scurry of all four paws down the stairs and to the backdoor.

He has a real problem with other cats prowling in his backyard space. Any cat that comes near is met with the low, guttural growls of my personal security force. The other cats I've had over the years never cared much about me, so it's a nice change to have a cat that shows such concern for my safety. Unfortunately, the past few nights there has been one wandering orange tabby trying to infiltrate Scout's feline perimeter. Orange Tabby shows up at about the same time each night--4:30AM.

Me-ow, that's way too early to be awoken by the sounds of a through-the-backdoor catfight.


  1. Sounds like orange tabby needs to find a new neighborhood to visit. Hopefully, Scout's warning will send it running.

  2. 4:30 a.m. seems like a popular time for things to happen. In our house, my daughter lets out a big yelp somewhere in the four o'clock hour.

    Here's to hoping that Orange Tabby won't show up in the wee hours of the morning.

  3. The joys of having cats. I could easily picture your little enforcer. Hopefully your new visitor gets the hint and infiltrates someone else's yard.

  4. I enjoyed reading your slice. It seems Scout takes his name seriously.

  5. Maybe you could bring him to school?

  6. Keep a bucket of water near your window. That will teach orange tabby to come trespassing at 4:30!
