Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Learning the Language

The weather is not to be counted on here in Ireland.  Today the forecast called for partly cloudy with a passing shower in the afternoon.  The downpour I experienced during my walk around Caherconnell Stone Fort was much more than a passing shower.  The powerful rains drenched my tour guide making it impossible to open the guide booklet to read and learn all about the last two stops on the tour.  That had to wait until I was back in the dry comfort of our red Skoda.

The young chap at the docks agreed that the weather was pretty bad.  In fact when we described it as dodgy~a new fabulous adjective I've enjoyed using over this way~ he disagreed.

"Oh no, this is worse than dodgy, it's diabolical."

Another brilliant word.

Cheers, then.

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