Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Bloody Hell

I got a bloody nose this afternoon. That's not so significant for many, but it was for me. In my 63 years on earth, I've never had one.

One minute, I was heading over to a celebratory happy hour, and the next, I was searching my car for any sort of clean napkin I could find to shove up my nose to stop the bleeding.

By the time I got home a few minutes later, I had used every available napkin in the car console- clean and sort of clean.

I knew tilting the head back was no longer the preferred treatment method, so  I did a quick internet search while holding a tissue in my nose to catch the continual stream of blood.

Pinch the nose for 10 minutes. Don't stop pinching to see what's going on.

I spent the next 10 minutes scrolling through Instagram and Facebook, and just as the time usually does when on social media, the 10 minutes was up in a blink of an eye...or should I say the stoppage of a stream of blood in the nose?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! As a person who grew up with frequent nosebleeds and now parent a child with frequent nosebleeds, I can imagine the shock of suddenly having that gushing feeling in the sinuses and blood everywhere for the first time at 63! Your descriptions of the moments of panic and the scramble for anything at all to stop the bleeding put me right into the middle of the action.
