Monday, March 11, 2024

Manic Monday

"She has a sub, but he's running late. I'm sorry I don't have someone to send downstairs. There are 26 staff members out today," the voice on the line responded.

There are 5 teachers in my small team area. Today 3 of them were out. Two had subs, one had a sub who would be coming at some point. When that point was? Who knows.

Fortunately, my classroom neighbor, Starr, was able to take over for the homeroom period. As the time passed and 1st period seemed even closer I knew I better check the status of the missing sub.

"Is there any word on Miller's sub?" I asked.

"He's running late, but we'll send him right down when he gets here," the voice replied.

I wasn't quite sure how I would handle two classes at once. Starr had a class in another area of the school in 10 minutes.

"Uh...I'm the only one down here. Starr has a class in 10 minutes. If no one shows up by 8:30, I'm sending the class to the office."

That did the trick.

"I can help," the voice replied, "I'll be right down."

Within two minutes one of the school counselors walked in with a smile and a let's go attitude.

She wasn't there long, eventually the late guy showed up. 

The rest of the day went off without too many issues. Not too bad for a Monday.


  1. Your response was perfect! Glad that gave the office some urgency.

  2. Not bad at all! You crafted this nicely, drawing me right in to the tension.

  3. Smart way to get the attention of the office!

  4. Sending the class to the office would have been a sight to see. I'm filing that response away for a rainy day.
