One of the other 6th grade English teachers was given a student teacher this quarter, and since it's almost the end of her placement, Hermione is taking some time to observe other classrooms. Today she dropped in on one of my smaller, but tougher classes. I have two students in particular that struggle with English, partly because of the inflexible nature of their disability, and partly because well...writing is hard. I have an assistant during this class period, so whenever we are working on a long writing project (like today) she often takes both students to another room to work. That way they can vocalize and take breaks as much as they need without disturbing the other writers in the room.
Student #1 came in today and proclaimed her writing was done. She went on to tell me she had done everything else I could possibly want her to do.
Student #2 complained about the torture of English class (as always), wrote about 50 words and proclaimed he needed a break.
The assistant and I exchanged glances. We then talked about what each student should work on and she took them upstairs.
I sat down with Hermione at the back table. "English is tough for them, so of course they don't like the class that much," I explained.
She looked a little confused, but we went on discussing other English classroom related items. I didn't realize how confused she was until I walked into my English CLT meeting later in the afternoon.
"Hermione said there were a lot of teachers coming in and out of your room," stated Kerry, her mentor teacher.
I looked at her with a puzzled expression, "Oh, you mean the teachers that are always coming in to get things off the printer?"
"No, she said there were two kids that don't like English and somebody came in and took them away."
I laughed, "I guess it did look like that."
When Hermione joined the meeting later, I clarified, "So, those two kids are in the ______ program. The lady who came in works with them, and sometimes it's better for them to write in a room where they can be as loud as they want. That's where she took them."
"That makes more sense," she replied.
I laughed. This year my classes are pretty chaotic. I guess it's obvious to a visitor.