Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Hospital Hum

There is a quiet hum in the hospital this morning. I watch as my mother rests quietly after her procedure. Every once in a while she opens her eyes, remembers that I'm here and starts a conversation.

"Did Lily go with you to the zoo?' she asks.

I reply with as few words as possible, hoping that she'll remember she's trying to rest, not entertain me.

"I want to ask the doctor if I can get a milkshake on the way home," she states.

"Okay," I reply, "I'll help you remember that."

Her eyes close once more. I curl up on the small, blue loveseat and close mine as well.


  1. Oh, I remember those days! You described so much in a few short sentences. I wish a speedy recovery for your mom!

  2. Newtreemom
    Hope the recovery goes well and your mom gets her milkshake.

  3. There is a certain peacefulness to being in that bubble, and this piece really captures it.
