Sunday, March 9, 2025

Can I Get My Hour Back, Please?

I'm always fooled on this first day of Daylight Saving Time. This year was no exception.

Jeen and I met up with her daughter (my niece) in the Bloomingdale section of DC for a quick bite to eat before my sister headed back home. She wanted to leave DC by 2:00 PM, which was great for me since I had school and home tasks to catch up.

As soon as we said our goodbyes, I got right on my laptop to finalize my plans for tomorrow and work on an IB Rubric for an upcoming summative assessment. In the back of my head I was toying with the idea of hitting the grocery store. Finally I remembered I have a doctor's appointment at 2:00pm tomorrow, meaning I'll leave work early and have some time to hit the grocery store after.

Feeling some space in my afternoon, I downshifted my work pace into low gear, plugging along while distracting myself on social media and the NY Times word games.

I went into the kitchen to refill my water bottle, noting the stove clock. It read 2:34. 

Wait. What?

I'd been working for at least an hour. Jeen left at about 2:15. How could it be...? Ah ha! These days every other clock in my life adjusts itself one hour ahead automatically. Well, every other clock except the ones on my stove and microwave.

It was 3:34. I immediately thought of all the things I needed to accomplish: laundry, dinner, lunch for tomorrow.

I regretted all that wasted time on the internet. Then I put my head down and got to work, missing that hour the entire time.