The wind whipped along the beach at about 16 mph today, making for some rather painful sunbathing. It was tough to stay planted in the sand with fine grains of matter pelting my legs. The water was rough; white caps and waves crashed onto the shore sideways. I watched more than a few sea gulls and piping plovers get blown an inch or two after a surprise gust.
My perch for the day was down near the water's edge, where the sand is damp and not as likely to blow around. The ocean roared as a brief of pelicans sailed along in search of their daily catch. Bossy seagulls tried their best to steal snacks from who ever they could. Kite surfers sailed through the air with ease; their backs turned to the wind.
I had two books on hand to read but after 3 hours had read only 3 pages. There was so much else to see.
15 hours ago
Glad you got there safely! Sorry about your car troubles. Have a great week!