Today's organizational chore involved finding the piles of writing around the house and storing all those pages of words into one place. I've been involved with a writing group for some time now and the monthly meetings have added up to quite a pile of work. For a while it was easy to contain everyone's writing in the red folder I started with, but after a year that wasn't working anymore. I eventually moved onto a brown accordion file. It took a while longer for that to fill up but it did, and before long I was finding piles of writing all over the house.
I recently came across an old, plastic filing box. For now, everyone's writing is sorted by individual author. The next step is to organize individual writing by date. I'm sure that's going to take some time; because I know I'll reread everything as I sort...I'm looking forward to looking back.
15 hours ago
Mary, I've found similar stacks as I've been organizing this last week. Isn't it amazing to see the collection grow? I hope we meet again soon to add a little more to the accordion file! Happy summer.