I did a bit of a double take as I walked up the hill to the laundry room this afternoon. The birds were out feeding, as usual; they were happily chomping away on the seed that my neighbor puts out for them each day. It was such a familiar scene that it would have been easy to walk right by without a thought- then a mixture of blue and white that I haven't seen before caught the corner of my eye. I stopped to get a better look. The blue and white blur flew up to the roof of the house and I continued on to the laundry room.
I looked again as I returned to my house and really, I gasped just a bit when I saw the small canary-like bird perched on the branch the tree I was standing under. I wasn't the only one surprised by the sight. A squirrel stood frozen, peering at the same strange creature a mere 15 inches from his glance.
The head was gray with small white stripes and the body was mostly white, except for a bright blue spot on the chest. My assumption is that what we had here was a runaway canary. A cursory search on Craigslist didn't help any, so it seems my new, feathered friend will have to carry on life as a runaway. Fortunately, he's found a good food source so things might just work out.
It looks like you have a wild parakeet! Cool for you-- I hope it works out for the bird, too.