I started this blog as a writing challenge for the month of March. As with most things I take on I didn't have much insight as to what would happen once that month was over. I'm not completely surprised that I kept on writing, but now that I'm 100 days into the challenge I've been thinking about when it might end.
I'm a person who likes to know what's going to happen. That's probably why I found myself in a career that begins and ends on schedule each year. Before I found my way into teaching I worked as a low-level government employee. I was a paper pusher in the personnel office. I recall filling out the forms that I was charged with and passing them along to the next cog in the system. I didn't know what happened before those forms came to me or what happened after I passed them on. It didn't bother me at first, but after two years of pushing things along I was determined to understand the whole process.
Finding out my part in the process was helpful. It kept me interested in the job for another year or so, and then I got bored and ended up going to graduate school.
I'm not bored with the blog thing yet. So for now, I'll deal with the daily challenge of creativity and keep plugging along.
3 hours ago
Write on!