Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Perfect Pupils on the Prairie

Playing school as a kid was always satisfying.  I could stand in front of my pupils- whoever I rounded up that day-and they would listen attentively.  If I gave out an assignment work was completed without a complaint.

Honestly, it was like a modern version of Little House on the Prairie- desks in a row, eager pupils raising their hands and not one little peep from the peanut gallery.

Real school isn't like that.  Desks never stay in place.  By the end of any given day, the previously perfectly arranged desks are askew having suffered through five different classes of sixth graders who prefer to exit their seats with a desk push instead of a chair slide.  Assignments are not met with Laura Ingalls smiles--I know, unbelievable.

Online teaching is completely different.  Each night I prepare activities for students to work on the next day.  I hit save and picture my students greeting each day's work with a smile as they log on to the leaning platform excited for another day of learning.  I know it's truly a dream but if a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?  If a kid complains about the work at his own home--a good 2 miles from my home...?

Even though I'm pretty sure the desks in my classroom are in the same position I left them last week- I miss the kind of mess they are at the end of a day of learning.

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