Monday, March 22, 2010

I Don't Like Tuesdays

Rainy days and Mondays don't really get me down. Tuesdays... those are the days that get to me. Mondays aren't as bad as everyone professes them to be. Sure, maybe you're a little tired from the weekend, but usually it's a good tired, the kind of tired that says, "Wow! I had a lot of fun this weekend." I often spend Mondays in a sort of haze, the kind of haze that has me thinking more about what I did than what I need to do.

It's the haze that makes Tuesdays so hard. Tuesday is when reality slaps my hand as I try to hit the snooze button. It's when reality reminds me that I have a 7:15 am meeting and copies to make before that. It's the day that seems too far from Friday, so far that no one even bothers to ask, "what are you doing this weekend?" It's not quite hump day and the post-weekend smile I had on Monday has faded as I begin to wonder why I didn't get more work done on those two days I had off.


  1. Oh, I so totally agree!
    Tuesdays stink.

  2. Um... Doesn't your meeting start at 7:10?

  3. aargghh...another reality slap.

  4. Mary - this may be my fav. I love your wry tone in this slice! I happen to agree - although today was no banana cream pie!

  5. Second paragraph says it all! Tuesday really doesn't have a positive identity as weekdays go... funny slice.

  6. Love it! I've often thought Tuesdays were the worst day of the week. You really nailed it.
