In an attempt to slam the door shut on winter I met a friend for a pedicure today. Well, it was a pedicure for me, a manicure for her. Apparently her feet are just too ticklish to stand the luffa sponging and razor scraping of a pedicure. I was happy to have the last of the sparking red nail polish left from my pre-Christmas pedicure removed. I just love having someone else wash, massage and moisturize my feet. Better yet, it all happens while I sit in a chair that massages my back while I read and watch the Lifetime channel out of the corner of my eye.
I usually spend my time reading the latest gossip magazine so I can keep up with all the Hollywood celebrity shenanigans. Today I was reading Eudora Welty's, One Writer's Beginnings, not really nail salon literature, but something I've been trying to get to for some time.
The first chapter was titled, "Listening." She began with a description of the clocks in her house and led the reader on a tour of her childhood home that included an inventory of the books in her house and the treasures her father kept in the drawer of his 'library table.' The description was delightful(of course) and had me picturing the cuckoo clock in my grandmother's house.
3 hours ago
One Writer's Beginnings is and old friend! I'm going to find it. Thanks, I enjoyed reading this.