My cat and I had a bit of a communication breakdown last night. I don't speak his language, he doesn't speak mine, but for the most part we do okay figuring out what's what with one another. I know when he stands by the door and cries his little meow cries that he is really just saying, "Hey, can I get a little bit of help over here?"
When he scurries down the stairs at top speed and leaps onto the window seat into a crouching position with his head peering around the curtain I know that something big is up out back. Well, big to a cat, not so big to me.
Last night, I couldn't tell what he was trying to say. There was a lot of aimless walking about, often on me, and meow cries for no good reason. I could tell he was getting frustrated, but just didn't know how to help. I tried the back door, but going outside wasn't the answer. The cold rain kept my fair-weather cat inside looking out.
Eventually he made his way onto the couch next to me. I was gently scratching behind his ears when his frustrations came to a head. In an instant my right arm was wrapped up in two furry legs with very sharp claws at the end. I got a hiss my way for good measure and cranky kitty was gone.
I said a few things. Not so nice things, but it didn't much matter; we were clearly not speaking the same language.
2 hours ago
You need the pet psychic!