After looking at my kayak sit still on the back porch all winter I welcomed today's forecast of 80 degrees and saw it as a chance to take that first paddle of the year.
I chose a place that's easy to get in and easy to get out of. The water there is always still--just my paddling speed, the kind of place that I can put my feet up and just float around. Roaches Run is a small marsh/pond-like area that sits in the shadows of Crystal City, VA. It's across the GW Parkway from National Airport so there's always a steady stream of airplanes either landing or taking off.
I'm not sure why it's called Roaches Run. In all the times I've been there I've never seen one roach. Today all I saw were turtles. Turtles, turtles, and more turtles. They were everywhere. There were turtleheads peering above the surface until they sensed my paddling and dove below the water. There were turtles on logs with heads sticking out, faces to the sky and always with one leg lifted like they were in some sort of yoga position. I adore those turtles on logs. I don't know why, but whenever I see them warming themselves I smile. When the turtles are out all is good.
2 hours ago
Oh those vagabond turtles... sounds like a nice paddle.