Friday, May 7, 2010

A Great Day

It was a good day at school. My classes have been working on a final essay for a book we just read and today some of the kids shared what they had in hopes of getting some pointers from their peers. I was proud of the way the kids listened to each other and shared solid suggestions and compliments. It was the kind of day that I shook my head and thought, wow, maybe I did accomplish something this year.

When I arrived home I was surprised to find a small dog wandering around in front of my house. He looked up at me as I walked down the sidewalk and trotted over to see me like we run into each other every day. I've never seen him, but noticed his tag and decided to help him find his way home. It took about ten minutes to locate the owner. I tried the number on the tag first and wasn't too surprised to get an answering machine. Little Pili, wasn't very thirsty when I brought him in the house so I figured he hadn't been gone too long. I decided to try and make a home delivery.

He settled in nicely to the passenger seat of my car and as I looked over at him in his curled up ball self I considered the possibility that the owner would never be found and I would get to keep this adorable little canine. That, of course, didn't happen. As soon as I neared the address on his tag I saw a young mother and her son with heads turning to and fro. I rolled down the window.

"Are you looking for your dog?" I asked.


"I got him right here." Pili lifted his head and stood up to look out the window, his tail wagged in delight as he saw his missing people.

The smiles said it all, but Mother replied, "Thanks, you made my day."

It was a great day.

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