I'm a big fan of caller ID which means I don't always answer my phone. My rule is no answering of unavailable numbers or names or numbers I don't recognize. So when the phone rang late yesterday afternoon I scrambled to find my reading glasses so I could read the number flashing on the screen. It was a 510 area code identified as a wireless caller.
Wireless caller is a tough one but since it was an area code that I didn't recognize I started to put the phone down and head back out to the patio. Then I stopped. I considered the possibility that it was my brother, who lives in New York. My dad is staying up there this week so I thought they might be calling to fill me in on my mother's trip to Ireland.
Well, it wasn't them, but I'm glad I answered because on the other end of the line was a good friend from high school. Ed and I don't get to see too much of one another these days. He lives on the west coast so we have a whole lot of states and a few time zones between us. It's great that a phone call can so easily erase all that space and time.
16 hours ago
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