My 6th grade students have been working on their own "Slice of Life" writing challenge. Students are required to write at least 10 "slices" during the month. They can also challenge themselves to write at least 20 days or really increase the ante and write each day of the month in hopes of writing for the next 100 days.
This is only my second year doing the end of year writing challenge. My colleague has been doing it for years...and trying to get me to do it as well. The only thing I can say is, "Wow! What took me so long?"
In my opinion, the over-emphasis on data has taken the fun and connections out of the classroom. The expectation that one will keep pace with their grade-level colleagues means worrying about how one will keep up with the others if she/he takes time out to talk a bit in class. In short, it's hard to get to know each of my 111 students over the course of five 42-minute classes.
Thankfully, the March writing challenge has allowed me to get a glimpse into many of their lives.
School violence is on the minds of many, as is having to learn about puberty in health class. The science videos this week were characterized as creepy and most students are not fans of Daylight Saving Time.
Hey 6th graders! It's nice getting to know you.
15 hours ago
Loved this, Mary! I'msure it's great to see what's on their minds, and I bet they are benefitting from the sharing of it! Well done!