Saturday, March 28, 2015

Clean Slate

Spring Break started with a little cleaning.  It wasn't exactly what I had intended to do, but once I found the wood floor cleaner underneath the sink, one thing led to another.  First there were the dining room floors.  I moved the table to the side and got the mop moving.  Afterward I started in on the living room.  With a heave-ho I moved the furniture and kept on mopping.

Tonight I'm enjoying the soft scent of orange with my feet propped up on my dust-free coffee table. My laundry is done and I am ready to fully enjoy a week off.  Fortunately I'm heading south for a few days so I won't have to watch the dust start to accumulate again.


  1. It is a wonderful feeling to sit in a clean house. :0)

    Happy spring break!

  2. It is a wonderful feeling to sit in a clean house. :0)

    Happy spring break!
