Sunday, March 14, 2021

Full of Information

Tonight, on the way home from the local ice cream place, my brother-in-law filled us all in on more facts than we needed to know about St. Patrick. I like that about Michael, He is interested in all kinds of things. He spends many a commute listening to different podcasts and then often reports what he has learned later on in the evening. I've learned all about the problem with sugar, when to plant peas, and many other things.

Michael is a mason by trade but overall just a fix-it kind of guy. He, along with his father and brother, pretty much built the brick rancher that my sister and his family have lived in for over 25 years. He also helped build the addition that my parents moved into about ten years ago.

So, yea, Michael is quite the guy.

As far as St. Patrick goes...did you know he was born in England with the name Maewyn?


  1. I also know someone who has a whole bunch of what I call, "useless knowledge". It does make for good conversation for sure!

  2. You had ice cream yesterday too? That's awesome. Michael sounds like a wonderful part of your wonderful family.

  3. Michael sounds like the kind of guy we all want in our families. I've never met a mason I didn't like.

  4. Nice combo for a Sunday outing--ice cream, family, and a history lesson.
