Monday, March 5, 2018

Challenge Accepted

Last year, at the urging of my colleague over at Walking the Dog, I introduced the 100-day writing challenge to my students. For the months of March, April, May and part of June students are asked to write in response to a variety of challenges.  Last week I introduced the "slice of life" challenge for March and provided with the details of the longer 100-day challenge.

Just like last year, the students who jump in with both feet surprise me.  Marcy is a student who struggles in school.  Her reading scores are low and homework completion is spotty at best.  She is often chatty during class making her a tad difficult to work with at times.

The writing challenge has allowed Marcy to show a whole other side of herself.  Not only has Marcy written each day thus far, she's also taken the time to comment on the posts of her fellow slicers.  

It's impossible to say how the next two months of writing challenges will go for this young writer, but that's okay with me.  Seeing her shine this past week has reminded me that there's a writer in all of us.  Being in a classroom community that brings that out is a pretty cool thing to be a part of.


  1. Whoo hoo! I love the excitement in your post and Marcy's commitment as well. Congrats Mary.

  2. How cool is it that her chattiness in class is transferring to chattiness on the page?
