Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Checking In

I checked in with my parents tonight to see how they were doing.  We talked about the usual stuff before I asked my dad how his poetry writing was going.  He had received his first assignment- to write three haiku-on the month Monday night.

"I gotta tell you.  This is really tough.  I mean, how old are these kids?" he asked.

Dad seemed shocked to find out I had given the same assignment to a class of sixth graders.

"School is completely different these days.  When I was that age we were.."

"Diagramming sentences?" I finished.

"Well, yeah.  But we were also fighting the Japanese," he continued.

Myself- I never learned to diagram sentences.  It was the one big thing I missed when I was out for three weeks with a broken leg.

I told my dad I'd send him a haiku of my own and he promised to help me out with those sentence diagrams.


  1. Now, that's a good partnership!

  2. Uh oh. If he thinks the haiku are hard, April is going to be a cruel month indeed.
