Friday, March 1, 2024

Watch Cat

My writing group came over for dinner last night. As usual, we had great food and wonderful conversation. The only person who didn't enjoy the evening was my cat, Edgar. He started raising concerns when I moved his heated blanket off the couch long before the guests arrived. 

His concern amped up to full-blown anxiety when I started making dinner. He sat on the dining room table, smack in the middle, and raised his head to project his strongest, from the gut, meow.

Eventually, the writers arrived. Edgar sauntered over to the door to inspect Ellen as she came in. He let her pass, as he did the others.

Apparently, he wasn't quite sure they could be trusted. (They can.) Edgar stayed close to me throughout the evening. 

Tonight he is curled up behind me on the couch. He's sleeping with one eye open and trained on the door. After all, you never know what kind of strangers may come walking through the entry.


  1. Maybe Edgar needs more company!

  2. Edgar needs some special treats to compensate for the stranger danger. It must be scary for our pets to see new people and places when their worlds are so small!

  3. Oh Edgar, naturally he had concerns after the heated blanket got moved! I am glad his evening ended well. We have a lot of cats, but if you came to visit, you'd only see 3 because the rest would be hiding under a bed somewhere!

  4. Kuddos to Edgar the Protector! What a good boy to have in your corner.
