Saturday, March 18, 2023

Happy Flowers

The daffodils are out. It's a chilly day here in Alexandria, VA but the blue skies and plethora of flowers and budding trees tell me that spring is here. Along my walk today I spotted daffodil after daffodil, showing off their yellow hues all over the place. The tulip trees are in bloom as well. Flowers of pink and purple dance with nothing but a bright azure sky as a backdrop. And if all that wasn't enough to impress a walker like me there were yellow, white, and purple crocus popping up from beneath the ground.

I walk my neighborhood in all kinds of weather during all seasons of the year. These days that give me the first peeks at spring are some of my favorite days for walking. Blue skies, tulip trees, and daffodils make me one happy gal.

1 comment:

  1. There’s something about crocus that sends a message…
