Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Aye, Aye, Aye

" i went there for my cousins wedding"

" i placed them all carefully and got out 7 glass cups"

 "before i left to get to my bus stop"

These are excerpts of a few sentences written by my sixth graders this week. At least once a day, every day, I remind those very same students that the personal pronoun I is always...ALWAYS capitalized. They all nod in agreement, and yet every day I find myself reading one tiny I after another.

At this point in the year, after 6 months of daily reminders, it's hard to figure out why I am unable to fix this problem.

Don't worry, I am not about to give up, but sheesh, c'mon on people!


  1. Fans of e.e. cummings, maybe?

    who are you,little i

    (five or six years old)
    peering from some high

    window;at the gold

    of november sunset

    (and feeling:that if day
    has to become night

    this is a beautiful way)

  2. Live your title; share your frustration.

  3. I'm doing what I can to help. Each day I quietly slip my third graders back their papers and ask them to fix the kindergarten "i" they accidentally used. I'm glad you are not a quitter!
