Monday, March 21, 2022

Remembering Her Past

It was another sleepy Monday in Grade 6 English. Our lesson on setting began by sharing responses to two questions: 1. What color is your bedroom and do you like that color? 2. What's your favorite place in the world?

Not surprisingly, many kids have white bedrooms and honestly, they're fine with that. A few talked about white walls full of scribbles on other colorings. The scribbles were courtesy of a younger brother. It was funny to find out that the coloring all over the walls was done by the student themselves at a much younger age.

Looking at the young girl who fessed up to her own bedroom graffiti it was hard to imagine the girl that I knew in class taking it upon herself to deface her own walls. The girl I know is on top of her schoolwork, appropriately behaved in class, and rather demure.

Kids. They surprise me every day.


  1. My mom let me write on the walls. Let's call it a parenting hack. Seems like it worked for your kiddo in class, right?

  2. I never slept in a bedroom that was anything other than white until last year, when my husband and I had our bedroom painted. I was 43 when that happened! I LOVE having tranquil, painted walls. I cannot imagine having white walls in my bedroom again.
