Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Yea, I Knew That

Yesterday marked the first day that students and teachers could forgo wearing a mask in school. It's been just about two years since I saw an unmasked student in my classroom and I was interested to see how many full faces I might see.

Day 1 didn't bring about much change. I think most kids were unaware that a change had occurred. Even though the principal covered the change in policy on the morning announcements many were oblivious to fact that things had changed. Immediately after the announcement, one student asked another teacher, "So when can we stop wearing masks?"

My colleague who was with the student at the time reminded her that the principal had just talked about that very thing. She asked the group if they knew when the masks could be removed. 

"Ummm, I think it's next week?" Questioned another student.

A second student ran into the science teacher's classroom yelling, "Ms. Workman! There are a lot of kids out there without a mask on!"

I listened to the same announcement as every other student in the school and thought it to be perfectly clear that masks could be removed as of March 1. Apparently, middle schoolers don't hear the same way I do.

I think I'll file that under..."Yea, I already knew that."


  1. Haha - so interesting, the things they actually listen to and the things that slip. So far things have been pretty calm, at least from what I can see with the changes to mask policies at my school - hopefully yours is the same, as soon as everyone realizes it has happened!

  2. This is pure middle school gold.

  3. You don’t even need to play a game of telephone with sixth graders to have the message go off the rails in about two seconds.
